RDA Technologies Inc.

Research Development Advantage Technologies

At RDA Technologies, the 'IT\QA Specialists', we specialize in delivering the most dedicated services to meet and exceed customer requirements and expectations, and help improve business flow and functions in Information Technology, specifically in the Software Quality Assurance(SQA) area of most business industries from Technology, Software, Finance, Government, Legal, Real Estate, Insurance, Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals, Banking, and Mobile Wireless Communications.

Customer satisfaction is one of our top priorities. We insure the highest standard of the delivered software! 

>Our Services with over 30 years IT experience!
We believe that software quality assurance is more than just testing; it's a series of processes and procedures which will help to ensure that our clients issue the best possible software to its customers. We work as an integrated part of your company by understanding and learning how you do your business and identify your needs, working together in recommending and implementing solutions to reach one common goal of issuing robust high quality software.

RDA Technologies
Research Development Advantage

Sr. IT\QA Management Consultant

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Upon request, a list of skills, work experience, and background details will be provided by contacting rdatechnologies@gmail.com

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